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Wild piranha diet - wild piranha diet

19-12-2016 à 16:49:52
Wild piranha diet
During appropriate times of year, piranhas may feed on vegetables and fruits that make their way into the water, or graze on aquatic plants to make up energy after a lean hunt. Adult piranhas hunt in groups called shoals that typically eat the fins and flesh of other fish. Occasionally, they will feed on a large carcass of an animal or on vegetables. They may attack land animals that venture into the water to drink or bathe, and they may feed on carcasses in the water left over from other predator attacks. As omnivores, piranhas will eat any food source available. Newly hatched iranhas typically consume various fruits, plants and small crustaceans. While they certainly will make short work of any meat they come across, piranhas enjoy a varied diet and will eat almost anything.

When piranhas grow into adulthood, they begin to hunt in shoals of around 20 fish and will attack a larger animal en masse. As a result, Piranhas have a highly varied diet, consisting of everything from fruits and vegetables to other fish, and even human beings. A single piranha will dart in, take a bite, and then flee to avoid reprisal. In Captivity Piranhas in captivity should have a diet that mimics what they would find in the wild. While they cannot eat as many different types of food as adults, the diet of young piranhas still consists of a wide range of foods. Piranhas have been known to eat sick cattle that stick their heads in water to drink, young birds that fall from trees and even their own young. They tend to eat an animal alive and even will eat members of their shoals while attacking prey.

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Wild piranha diet

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